Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Services For Childen

At Gladstone Dental Centre, we believe that an early start in regular dental care for your child is a crucial step on the road to overall health. 

Children's Services, Halifax Dental

Our Family-Oriented Practice

We are proud to offer a child-friendly place to play while they wait at our office. Along with regular hygiene and restorative services, we offer dental appliances to help protect their teeth during sports.

Your Child's First Visit to the Dentist

It is very important that the first visit to the dentist be a positive experience for your child. We recommended showing your child that visiting the dentist is normal, interesting and pleasant.

You may want to read a book about going to the dentist with your child or "play dentist".

An anxious parent can transfer anxiety to the child. If you feel uneasy about going to the dentist, your child may pick up on that and act the same.

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Tips for Parents

  • Brushing before bedtime and when a child wakes up is important for dental health and for instilling good habits
  • Counting the number of your children's teeth is a fun way to get them excited about his or her own dental health managment
  • Parents should encourage daily flossing because it cleans where the toothbrush can't - between teeth and below the gum line
  • Encouraging children to eat and drink foods with calcium is important for healthy teeth and bones. Dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt) are great sources of calcium.

Visit us at Gladstone Dental Centre today. We make Halifax smile one patient at a time!

(902) 453-6770